At Haydonleigh, we believe in having a school uniform as it can support positive behaviour and discipline; it can encourage identity with, and support the ethos of the school, and helps nurture cohesion between different groups of pupils. Our school uniform is an established feature of our culture which supports our ethos and ensures that our students are dressed for success. 

Regarding religious headwear, our advice is that the wearing of the hijab or jilbab does not present a health and safety hazard to either the wearer of the garment or other pupils. We kindly request that pupils wear a slightly shorter-length jilbab to ensure the child’s mobility and safety in the playground and ease of participating fully in all activities.

Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name. This is especially important, as uniform items look similar and can easily be confused for another child’s. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost items.



Black or Grey skirt, pinafore dresses, trousers or culottes of an appropriate length (not leggings or jogging/tracksuit bottoms)

White blouse, shirt or polo shirt

Red ‘V’ neck sweater/sweatshirt or cardigan or school sweatshirt or cardigan (black for Year 6 children)

Red Fleece (black for Year 6) (optional for the cold weather)

Sensible black school shoes or plain all-black trainers with plain black soles and no obvious logos/embellishments. No fashion boots overly-embellished with studs/jewels/large buckles etc please.

Summer Term Sandals - In the summer term, flat sandals may be worn (neutral colours black/beige/brown/white) with school-coloured socks for guidance click here

Red checked/striped dress for summer

Socks:- White, grey or black

Tights:-  Grey, red or black (not leggings)

A basic analogue/digital watch may be worn (no smart devices such as iWatches/FitBits)

Religious headwear should be plain, dark colour 



Earrings - small flat, plain studs only, no hoops

Fashion jewellery is not to be worn

No make-up including nail polish



Haydonleigh Primary School reserves the right to make a judgement on the suitability or unsuitability of pupils’ hair and appearance.

Our policy is for children not to have styles that may cause a distraction to other children or raise health and safety concerns. This means no extremes of style or colour.

  • Extreme hairstyles, such as mohawks and patterned or brightly coloured hair are unacceptable.
  • Pupils with designed hairstyles, such as cornrows, may be exempt from the rule above on cultural or religious grounds, taking into consideration each person’s scenario.
  • Pupils with long hair must ensure that this does not impede their vision, cover their face or provide a health and safety risk 
  • Bandana style headbands and flowers or excessive hair accessories are not to be worn, including 'holiday' braids; however, plain hair clips, bands or bows that match the school uniform colours are acceptable. 

Parents of children with inappropriate hairstyles/colour will be contacted by the class teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.



Foundation Stage 

PE kit should be brought to school in a small drawstring bag, with the pupil’s name on it.

Black shorts

Black jogging bottoms & plain hoodie or tracksuit (no leggings)

T-shirt top in House Colour (yellow- Panthers, blue- Tigers, red-Cougars or green- Pumas)

Trainers (preferably Velcro or slip-on)

Earrings and jewellery will need to be either removed or covered


KS1 and KS2 (YEARS 1- 6 ONLY)

In line with most secondary schools, we will be adopting a policy of children in years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 wearing their PE kit to school on designated days. For these year groups only the PE kit will consist of:

  • Light grey plain Hoodie (with or without the school emblem)
  • House Team coloured t-shirt
  • Black jogging bottoms or shorts (plain – no stripes etc – very small emblem acceptable – no football club shorts)
  • Trainers (No daps)
  • Deodorant (Years 5 & 6 only)

Children are to wear PE kit to school on the 2 days each week when the class have PE. 

If a gymnastics unit is being taught, teachers will advertise this on the website, through texts and with children, as shorts will be required for these sessions.  These can be simply worn or worn under jogging bottoms if cold. 

It is considered that the wearing of leggings may present too many issues – some are very thin (see-through), different lengths, different fabrics etc, therefore all children should wear jogging bottoms, please.



In formulating this policy, the Governors have considered the cost of uniforms. For this reason, most items can be obtained from a wide variety of stockists, including chain stores and discount stores.


The items listed below can be purchased directly from:

OHM Clothing  Unit 6 AXIS Business Centre, Westmead Industrial Estate, Swindon SN5 7YS

SN2 2YZ  Telephone no. 01793 530806  Online Shop

Opening Hours:- 8.30am – 5pm Monday - Friday


Red Sweatshirts - Foundation Stage to Year 5 with School Logo

Red Sweatshirt Cardigans – Foundation Stage to Year 5 with School Logo

Red Fleece - Foundation Stage to Year 5 with School logo (optional for the cold weather)

Black Sweatshirts - Year 6 only with School Logo

Black Sweatshirt Cardigans – Year 6 only with School Logo

Black Fleece - Year 6 only with School Logo (optional for the cold weather)

White Polo Shirts with School Logo

Knitted Hat with School Logo (optional for the cold weather)

PE T-Shirt  (House Colour) with School Logo

Black Shorts

School Bag - Red drawstring bag for Year 1-5 

School Bag - Black drawstring bag for Year 6

Book Bag - red for Foundation Stage, Year 1 Year 2

PE Bag - yellow drawstring bag Foundation Stage - Year 6


All uniform items can be purchased without the school logo from most chain stores in Swindon. OMH Clothing is unable to put school logos on to customers' own goods.

Book Bags, School Bags & PE Bags with the school logo are available to order via Scopay app. Once ordered it will be delivered to your child in their classroom.


Our PTA holds second-hand uniform sales throughout the year which are advertised via email, on our social media, the School Jotter app and the PTA Facebook page.  The PTA are also happy to share, via their Facebook page, a post for any parent looking to dispose of good-quality uniforms.