As part of our commitment to Extended School Services, we offer a breakfast club at our school. The club provides safe play and childcare for children between four and eleven years old.  The club runs as follows:

Times 7.45am to 8.45am

Costs £3 per child per day term time only payable in advance via Scopay app/Extended day.


Cancellations or bookings need to be made 48 hours prior to the booking via Scopay app/Extended day. (please note unless we receive confirmation of your child’s absence 48 hours before the booking, fees will still be charged.)


If you have any problems, please contact a member of staff via email at or call the school office on 01793 700443. 


The Government now offer childcare vouchers. To check eligibility please follow the link  


Breakfast can be the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast clubs can provide a combination of a healthy breakfast, early morning childcare and an opportunity for your child to engage in social activities.

Breakfast is an ideal opportunity to encourage healthy eating in the context of a healthy balanced meal.

Studies show that eating breakfast improves children’s problem-solving abilities, memory and concentration and help them start the school day on time, calm and ready for learning.

We cater for all pupils within our school. Once the children have arrived at the club they will be given a choice of a healthy breakfast and drink. After they are able to participate in a wide and varied range of activities. 

Breakfast club information

Breakfast club registration form