Mrs Edds

Class 3

Miss Griffiths

Class 4

Miss Graver

Class 5

Mrs Kimber

Mrs Seager

Mrs Small


Please bring in bookbags daily with the following:

Reading Record Book

Your child's school reading book

Reading Practice book

Homework folder

Library Bus Book

PE Days 

Class 4 - Wednesday and Thursday

Class 5 - Wednesday and Thursday

Class 6 - Wednesday and Thursday



Year 1 Library Bus day - Monday

There will be some opportunities for your child to visit the library bus and choose a library book to share with you at home.  This library book must be kept inside their book bags and kept in good condition so when we do have the opportunity to visit the library bus we can change this book.




    Spellings will still be checked on a Friday your child’s termly spelling sheet will be sent home in a folder.  These spelling folders need to be kept inside your child’s book bag at all times.  For Term 1 and Term 2, the spellings will be completed on whiteboards and not in books. For the remaining terms, the children will complete their spelling test in a book which will remain in school but we will write a score underneath each week’s column so you know how your child has done. Also after the test on the Friday we will highlight pink any incorrect spellings so you can practise these words again with your child at home. 


    Term 1


    Reading homework 

    Each week your child will be sent home a reading practice book that they will have read 2-3 times with an adult during the week and have a home reading book that they will have the opportunity to change on a Friday. When you read with your child at home please remember to write in their reading record book as this will help us to know if your child’s book needs changing. 

    Children are expected to read daily for 5 - 10 minutes and record it in their reading journals.

    Links- please click to open


    Oxford Owl - Oxford Owl Reading has 250 free eBooks for you to share with your child


    Numeracy activities - Maths activities specifically for Year One children.


    Family Learning - A super site with links for literacy and numeracy games.


    Pronunciation of phonics sounds




    Mrs Edds

    Class 3

    Miss Griffiths

    Class 4

    Miss Graver

    Class 5

    Mrs Kimber

    Mrs Seager

    Mrs Small


    Please bring in bookbags daily with the following:

    Reading Record Book

    Your child's school reading book

    Reading Practice book

    Homework folder

    Library Bus Book

    PE Days 

    Class 4 - Wednesday and Thursday

    Class 5 - Wednesday and Thursday

    Class 6 - Wednesday and Thursday



    Year 1 Library Bus day - Monday

    There will be some opportunities for your child to visit the library bus and choose a library book to share with you at home.  This library book must be kept inside their book bags and kept in good condition so when we do have the opportunity to visit the library bus we can change this book.




      Spellings will still be checked on a Friday your child’s termly spelling sheet will be sent home in a folder.  These spelling folders need to be kept inside your child’s book bag at all times.  For Term 1 and Term 2, the spellings will be completed on whiteboards and not in books. For the remaining terms, the children will complete their spelling test in a book which will remain in school but we will write a score underneath each week’s column so you know how your child has done. Also after the test on the Friday we will highlight pink any incorrect spellings so you can practise these words again with your child at home. 


      Term 1


      Reading homework 

      Each week your child will be sent home a reading practice book that they will have read 2-3 times with an adult during the week and have a home reading book that they will have the opportunity to change on a Friday. When you read with your child at home please remember to write in their reading record book as this will help us to know if your child’s book needs changing. 

      Children are expected to read daily for 5 - 10 minutes and record it in their reading journals.

      Links- please click to open


      Oxford Owl - Oxford Owl Reading has 250 free eBooks for you to share with your child


      Numeracy activities - Maths activities specifically for Year One children.


      Family Learning - A super site with links for literacy and numeracy games.


      Pronunciation of phonics sounds