Selected clubs starting week commencing 16 September.

We are offering the following After School Clubs. Booking and payment is made via scopay ’Trips & Events’ or with the provider direct, links to their booking systems will be emailed to parents on Thursday 5th September at 6pm. Clubs will all start promptly after school and finish at the time stated. Please ensure your child is collected promptly at the end of the club to avoid the instructor being delayed from leaving the school site. 

All clubs will run whatever the weather, so please ensure that you provide suitable clothing each week.


All pupils attending clubs will be expected to follow the school’s behaviour code. Behaviour expectations are the same as those operating during the school day. Pupils who are unwilling or unable to follow these expectations will not be permitted to continue to attend the club.

Please note spaces are limited and due to supply and demand we ask that you discuss their preference and only book your child on one club. Should additional spaces become available we will send a message. Scopay will be made live on Thursday 5th September at 6pm. Booking links for outside providers will be emailed to parents on Thursday 5th September at 6pm.

The booking system and release times for outside providers is managed by them and we have no control over this. So that as many children as possible can be offered the opportunity to experience a club, each term, different clubs will be offered to different year groups.

Children in year 5 and 6 will be permitted to walk home on their own in Term 1 as the evenings are lighter. In Term 2 children in year 5 and 6 will not be permitted to walk home on their own Monday to Thursday due to it being darker earlier.

If your child is unable to attend a club, please can you inform the office by phone or email before the end of the day.

Please can we remind parents that the visitor car park is not for parking to collect children from after school clubs. You need to park on the road or at Morrisons and walk onto the school grounds. When collecting children from the field gate behind the staff car park, can you please ensure where possible that you walk with your child on the pavement around the staff car park NOT through the staff car park. Staff are also leaving the premises at this time and walking through the car park is dangerous.


After School Care - outside provider


Little Pippins Preschool

Little Pippins collect children from our school on a daily basis.  They run an after school club Monday - Friday.  More details can be found on their website (see link below.)  They also run a holiday club called Orchard Holiday Club.